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Taichung Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Making visit appointment by telephone

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2020-05-19
  • View count:2667

Exclusive telephone: (02) 23891101

Systems: (1) Interview by appointment and (2) interview inquiry Cancellation, making interview appointment, and interview:

Institution                                                 Code number

Taiwan Taipei Prison                                       2403

Taiwan Taichung Prison                                   2405

Taiwan Tainan Prison                                       2408

Taiwan Kaohiung Prison                                   2309

Taiwan Taipei Detention House                        2503

Taiwan Taichung Detention House                    2506

Taiwan Tainan Detention House                       2510

1.Visit by appointment The following procedure should be followed in making an appointment for a visit to an inmate.

  1. Input the inmate’s serial No., 4 digits.
  2. Input the family member’s ID No., 9 digits. [Voice suggestion on latest date for appointment]
  3. Input preferred interview date, 4 digits.
  4. Input the desired interview time, 2 digits. (For instance: 09 for nine o’clock in the morning, and 15 for three o’clock in the afternoon) [Voice report on suitable interview time].
  • Announcing completion of application, and asking to check the application state on the Web one day before the appointed date

2.Inquiring about the appointed interview .The applicant should inquire about whether the application is approved, one day before the scheduled time.

  1. Input the family member’s ID No., 9 digits.
  2. Input the institution’s code No., 4 digits.
  3. Input the inmate’s serial No., 4 digits [Voice answers whether the application is approved; if approved, the time and date of the interview].

3.Cancellation of a visit appointment

  • If a family member of an inmate cannot afford to make the appointment on the day or the allotted time, he should cancel the appointment at least before three o’clock on the afternoon, two days before the appointment. (In case of a weekend or holiday, he should cancel the appointment before three o’clock on the afternoon one day before the weekend or holiday) The procedure is as follows:
  1. Input family member’s ID No., 9 digits.
  2. Input the institution’s code No., 4 digits.
  3. Input the inmate’s serial No., 4 digits (Voice reminds of the date of the appointment)
  4. Press 1 to confirm the cancellation. (Voice confirms the appointment is canceled)

◎If the Web is used for canceling the appointment of a visit, please enter: https://www.vst.moj.gov.tw


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