Community Service
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2019-08-07
- View count:2757
The center has following items in our Community Service Plan.
- The center joins most of local charitable activities and celebrations and aids the poor and senior citizens living alone in the neighboring communities.
- The center helps local residents clean their communities.
- The center provides possible solutions to the local residents’ problems.
- The center invites the local residents and groups to visit us.
- The center helps to erect and fix the local facilities.
- The center helps to restore order and clean environment throughout communities after they are damaged by natural disasters.
- The center allows local residents to use some of our facilities.
- The center helps to extinguish the fire and hospitalize local residents who are seriously ill.
- The prisoners in our center do some part-time jobs for local businesses to supply enough work forces for them.
- The center helps to guard safety for the neighboring communities.
The following results that those prisoners have presented arise from execution of Community Service Plan. The center expects the prisoners to leave local residents a positive impression.