Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice held the conference for” Taichung Area Correctional Institution 113-year Second Season Drug User Return and Transfer”
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-07-02
- View count:74
First,the event purpose:
Drug use, crime and addiction have long been important issues for domestic security and public health. In accordance with Anti-Drug Strategy Action Plan Ⅱ, Ratifying by Executive Yuan.The plan is focusd on assisting drug users with high relapse issues and related needs.We held the conference for Taichung Area Correctional Institution 113-year Drug User Return and Transfer, discussing with the four connecting units to improve the return and title transfer mechanism.
Second,the event participant :
Representatives from the Taichung area correctional institution and four-way liaison units attended was 23.
Third, the event content:
- We held this conference at Jun 20th, inviting Rehabilitation protection associations, employment service agencies and cooperative medical institutions attended the meeting. Correctional agencies reported on case referrals and the result of intake in the current quarter.We also proposed cooperation plan issues.
- Health Bureau, Taichung City Government shared the execution results of drug dangers tutorial.They arranged for professional medical team to implement the program.They assisted the drug user in confronting drug addiction, strengthening the health resources in turn.