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Taichung Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice held the 110-year "Love in the clouds"family support program.

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-04-19
  • View count:362

First,the event purpose:

Due to the continued tightness of COVID-19, this year is suspended for this year's face to face Spring Festival activity, in order to relieve the inmates' nostalgia,to enhance the family relationship, specially handle the "Love in the Cloud" family support activities, let the inmates and their family can share each other's love and concern.


Second,the event participant :

The inmates who Will to participate in this activity,and the amounts of inmates was 213.


Third, the event content:

  1. We help the inmates to take photos or videos, and provide them with photo frames and props such as big love or praise. Under the festive lantern of the year of the ox in the Spring Festival, the inmates can convey congratulations and blessings to the family.The inmates send the photos home to express their sincere happiness for the new year.
  2. We specially assist in uploading audio-visual photos to Google Drive, so that the inmates and their families can share their love and care in the cloud. On the eve of the new year's festival, although the Lantern Festival has been cancelled, we still display the Lantern Exhibition of "Laozi Went out of Hangu Pass", and hold the competition of spring festival environment arrangement. We make the inmates feel the warm festival atmosphere, relieve their homesickness and start again.
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