Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice held the 110-year timely help the inmates’ High-risk family rescued program.
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2021-07-02
- View count:369
First,the event purpose:
To the disadvantaged inmates’ family who suffer form suddenly accidents,including the hit by COVID-19,we combine social resources with the instant assistance such as supplies’ care.Also,we enhance the individual cases’family bonds and restore their relationship,to help the inmates return to the society successfully.
Second,the target allowance:
The inmates’ parents, spouses,or sons and daughters who are listed as low-income households,and correspond to one of this program’s subsidy conditions.
Third,the promotion situation:
- Our social workers hold the family visiting of individual cases to understand his/her family dilemma.Then,we plan the following-up family supplies and traffic fees of related family support activities. In addition,we evaluate the family’s condition to referrals them to the related organization to track and assist.
- This year(until June),the amounts of subsidies households is 8,and the subsidy amount is NTD 28,000.We will combine the outside resources to continue the subsidy program,and assist the inmates’family to get through the difficulty.