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Taichung Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice held 110-year the Mid-Autumn Festival respecting parents telecom activity and "Love in the clouds"family support program

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-09-24
  • View count:287

First,the event time: September 8th, 9th,13th,2021

Second,the event location: Inculcation Room and workshops of Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice

Third,the event purpose:

Due to the continued tightness of COVID-19, this year is suspended for this year's face to face Spring Festival activity, in order to strengthen the power of family bonds, we still held telecom activity and "Love in the clouds"family support program.The relationship would not break down by the COVID-19.

Fourth,the event content:

  1. We collaborated with Taichung Branch Office, Chunghwa Telecom Co.to hold the Mid-Autumn Festival respecting parents telecom activity at Sep, 8th and 9th.We set up the telephone line to enable the inmates to make a telephone call toward their family,sharing their care. The amounts of inmates was 1,086 in total.
  2. We specially handle the "Love in the Cloud" family support activities at Sep, 13th.We help the inmates to take photos or videos, and provide them with photo frames and props such as big love or praise. The inmates send the photos home or we assist in uploading audio-visual photos to Google Drive, so that the inmates and their families can share their love and care in the cloud. The amounts of inmates was 223 in total.
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