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Taichung Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice held the 112-year "Restorative Justice Drama of The Competition"

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-28
  • View count:149

First,the event purpose:

To cultivate the inmates' temperament and promote inmates' awareness of restorative justice.We held " Restorative Justice Drama of The Competition " activity in Inculcation Room. We selected exceptional work to represent at the intermediary contest


Second,the event participant :

The inmates who was recommended by the workshops, and the amounts of inmates was 76.


Third, the event content:

  1. We held this activity at Jun 27th. There are eight competition teams in the competition.The competitor Wore self-designed performance costumes, They promoted the themes of dispute incident handling, bear liability, repair relationship, reduce recidivism,and so on.
  2. Afer the comparison,we gave the reward to the victor.We selected exceptional work to represent at the intermediary contest.By hosting the competition , the inmates can get creative and strengthen restorative judicial cognition.


Fourth,the activity pictures:

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