Inmates participate in the 108-year Employment Sailing Drama Activity
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- Last updated:2019-08-07
- View count:1254
Inmates participate in the 108-year Employment Sailing Drama Activity
- In order to promote inmates' employment skills,we held the 108-year Employment Sailing drama activity in Taichung Detention Center’s Inculcation Room,at June 5th 9AM to 11AM.
- The purpose of this activity was to enhance inmates’ correct career concepts,and the amount of inmate’s attendance was 257 in total.
- Taichung Detention Center indicated that this activity was collaborated with Taichung City Employment Service Office,and the topic was ‘‘Employment Sailing,Dream Realising’’.The activity served career plans and how to sweep the obstacles at career’s interpersonal relationship.The activity included interesting performance and career consultation to promote the development of career trends.The activity was innovative to help inmates to correct their working attritudes,meanwhile,it served the information of employment service, transmitting career resources.
- After this activity, inmates would accumulate career experience and enhance their career skills. The inmates who participated in the activity were happy to express their great help in their future employment and entrepreneurship.