The 108-year Quarter2 family support face-to-face reunion
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- Last updated:2019-08-07
- View count:1285
The 108-year Quarter2 family support
face-to-face reunion
- Taichung Detention Center held the 108-year Quarter2 "family support face-to-face reunion" at the afternoon of June 26th, 2019. This event helped the inmates who miss their loved ones would share their love with their beloved relatives. The purpose of this activity was to encourage the inmates through the family power to give them confidence to back to society,and the amount of inmate’s attendance was 57,the family member from all over Taiwan was 153 in total.
- The lively meeting gave the inmates the opportunity to warmly embraced the long-lost relatives, which made the event more warm and welcoming. In order to enhance the family bond between the inmates and their family members, Taichung Detention Center prepared many picture books which borrowed from the library and the interesting toys,which the inmates could play with their children.Taichung Detention Center uttered , the inmates could record their voice into CDs as the gifts to give their relatives personally. The family members were moved by the voice CD and the scene was quite warm and touching.
- The prupose of this activity was to help the inmates to gain the spiritual power through their relatives,and showed the care and support toward their family.The activity was successfully completed ,and the inmates who participated in the activity were happy to cuddle their relatives,shared their feeling and reunited together.