Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice held the 108-year season 3 the inmate’s legal knowledge quiz and the propaganda activity of“Restorative Justice”.
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- Last updated:2019-08-12
- View count:1316
Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice held the 108-year season 3 the inmate’s legal knowledge quiz and the propaganda activity of“Restorative Justice”.
First,the event time: August 5th 09:00 to 11:00,2019
Second,the event location: Inculcation Room of Taichung Detention Center,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice
Third,the event purpose:
To enhance our inmate’s law concepts,we held the 108-year season 3 the inmate’s legal knowledge quiz,combining the August’s legal education propanga activity,and we arranged the Legal Aid Foundation lawyer Tsai Zhen-Hong gave a speech about“Restorative Justice”,the lecturer explained the profound in simple terms,through the examples of social news and daily life,teaching the spirit of “Restorative Justice”to the inmates.
Fourth,the event content:
- The Assistance and Guidance Department counsel explained the test content before the quiz ,the amount of inmates who took the test was 275.The purpose of this test was to let the inmates to know the legal common sense,and comply with the law,so as to reduce the opportunity of commit crimes.
- As for the propaganda,“Restorative Justice”focused on the human personality,the lecturer explained that the good communication between the injurer and the victim was the important key to execute“Restorative Justice”.The lecturer introduced the event wonderfully,with playing the practical videos,to let the inmates know the core value of “Restorative Justice”.